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ID#9236 Tebbane
: Tuition/Transportation Fees
ID#NU13HT Mina
: Daily Expenses
ID#9330 Al Dawseh
ID#9329 Al Dawseh
ID#9288 Beit Malat
ID#9281 Al Dawseh
ID#9294 Wadi Jamous
ID#9291 Mishmish
ID#9275 Halba
ID#9315 Tikrit
ID#9231 Kobeh
ID#9186 Bzal
ID#9318 Jdaydet Al Kaiteh
ID#9214 Tallet Ziraa
ID#9317 Jdaydet Al Kaiteh
ID#9202 Bazbina
ID#9282 Hayzouk
ID#9327 Kwashra
ID#9274 Halba
ID#9293 Wadi Jamous
ID#9335 Halba
ID#9272 Bzal
ID#9324 Halba
ID#9201 Bazbina
ID#9289 Fnaydek
ID#9215 Tallet Ziraa
ID#9290 Fnaydek
ID#9334 Bzal
ID#9339 Fnaydek
ID#9314 Hayzouk
ID#9206 Bkarzla
ID#9286 Beit Malat
ID#9332 Berkayel
ID#9295 Masta Hasan
: Tuition Expenses
ID#9333 Berkayel
ID#9150 Mhamara
ID#9336 Rihaniyeh
ID#9269 Berkayel
ID#9279 Mishmish
ID#9208 Bkarzla
ID#9180 Amara
ID#9172 Bebnin
ID#9207 Bkarzla
ID#9285 Al Dawseh
ID#9287 Bkarzla
ID#9280 Al Dawseh
ID#9226 Bebnin
ID#9205 Bkarzla
ID#9213 Al Abdeh
ID#9171 Bebnin
ID#9227 Beb El Ramel
: Tuition/Transportation Fees
ID#9341 Akkar Al Atika
ID#9225 Bebnin
ID#9228 Kobeh
ID#NU8AM Abu Samra
ID#9326 Jdeideh
ID#9224 Sahet El Koura
ID#NU9FZ Kobeh
ID#9273 Bzal
ID#9229 Mankoubin
: Tuition/Transportation Fees
ID#NU10GI Abu Samra
ID#9216 Tallet Ziraa
ID#NU11HT Tebbane
ID#9292 Mishmish
ID#9246 Abu Samra
: Tuition/Transportation Fees
ID#NU12HD Bidawi
ID#9164 Mishmish
ID#9247 Abu Samra
ID#NU14KH Mina
ID#9278 Jdeideh
ID#9234 Sahet El Nejme
: Tuition/Transportation Fees
ID#NU15KJ Kobeh
ID#9344 Jdeideh
ID#9235 Mankoubin
ID#NU16MH Bab Al Rame
ID#9152 Berkayel
ID#NU19NO Bab Al Ramel
ID#9217 Mhamara
ID#9237 Jabal Badawi
ID#NU20NI Jabal Mohsen
ID#9323 Wadi Jamous
: Tuition Fees
ID#9238 Jabal Badawi
: Tuition/Transportation Fees
ID#NU21RC Kobeh
ID#9251 Bzal
ID#9239 Jabal Badawi
: Tuition/Transportation Fees
ID#NU23TA Mina
ID#9242 Kobeh
ID#9248 Badawi
: Tuition/Transportation Fees
ID#NU24WK Mina
ID#9244 Abu Samra
: Tuition/Transportation Fees
ID#9240 Zehriye
: Tuition/Transportation Fees
ID#9241 Souk
: Tuition/Transportation Fees
ID#NU17MA Mina
: Daily Expenses
ID#9142 Berkayel
ID#9243 Zehriye
: Tuition/Transportation Fees
ID#NU18NA Jabal Mohsen
: Medical Aid
ID#9245 Mankoubin
: Tuition/Transportation Fees
ID#9182 Wadi Jamous
ID#NU22SI Jabal Mohsen
: Medical Aid, Daily Expenses
ID#9211 Tal Miyan
ID#9221 Tal Hayat
ID#9325 Bebnin
: Daily Expenses
ID#9200 Rahbe
ID#9331 Oyoun Al Ghizlan
ID#9209 Bebnin
ID#9204 Mhamra