Our Partners


Together, we can build stronger communities.

Nusaned is built on partnership and collaboration to improve the livelihoods of families across Lebanon. We work with individuals, companies, NGOs, and pro bono partners, to address complex challenges on a national scale.

Together, we share the same mission and values and make them integral parts of our strategies. We are honored and humbled by their generosity. Beyond their financial support, our partners have contributed creative ideas, critical expertise, essential volunteer power and endless support in kind.


Act For Lebanon

Act For Lebanon

Act for Lebanon-USA (ACT) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization established in the US with a mission to support various causes in Lebanon including children, education, health and mental health, human rights, palliative care, women empowerment, environment, as well as cultural and athletic programs. It also provides emergency disaster assistance in support of humanitarian needs in Lebanon. To achieve our mission, we connect donors in the United States to non-profit charitable organizations in Lebanon.



ACTED’s mission is to save lives and support people in meeting their needs in hard to reach areas. ACTED develops and implements programs that target the most vulnerable amongst populations that have suffered from conflict, natural disaster, or socio-economic hardship. ACTED’s approach looks beyond the immediate emergency towards opportunities for longer term livelihoods reconstruction and sustainable development.

Ahla Fawda

Ahla Fawda

Ahla Fawda is a Lebanese based non-profit organization focused on community development. Our mission is to bring joy to the local communities and improve their immediate environments in a cultural and artistic manner, whilst maintaining an overall "green" ethos” – a prime objective. We also provide humanitarian assistance to poverty stricken communities across Lebanon.

Ajialouna Tripoli

Ajialouna Tripoli

Since its establishment, it has been working to serve the local Lebanese community and improve its living standards on many levels. Ajialouna’s Organizational structure consists of a Board of Trustees made up of 10 members as well as an administrative body of 120 female volunteers. All have expertise in various fields including engineering, medicine, pharmacy, education, administration and others, along with 28 employees, mostly female breadwinners of their households. Based on our belief in the need to build a better tomorrow for our children, and the desire to cover a larger area in Lebanon. Ajialouna has kept introducing new centers and programs to promote and improve the status of many underprivileged families and individuals. In the past 20 years, the volunteer ladies worked hard to establish and sustain the current programs that are embedded in the following six departments; Health, Health Awareness, Social, Woman Empowerment, Educational, and Fundraising. These departments are funded by grants provided by generous individuals, companies and sponsors as well as Ajialouna’s fundraising activities.



Akkarouna association was established as a result of total absence of guidance on both levels human and environmental, and due to the marginalization.

Al Reaaya

Al Reaaya

Al Reaaya, a social charity organization that was founded in 1985, is one foundation of the Islamic Welfare Associations which looks after securing support for Orphan’s through the program support an Orphan at home. It helps the neediest groups of people with various services to achieve a sustainable development for the society.



Anera, which has no political or religious affiliation, works on the ground with partners in Palestine (West Bank and Gaza), Lebanon and Jordan. We mobilize resources for immediate emergency relief and for sustainable, long-term health, education, and economic development. Our staff serve in their communities, navigating the politics that constrict progress to get help where it’s needed most.



Arcenciel is a Lebanese based non-profit organization established in 1985 during the Lebanese civil war. It was recognized as a public interest NGO in 1995 by Presidential Decree N7541.With five core programs, being implemented at 12 centers across Lebanon, arcenciel’s main goal is to work with every person in need. Arcenciel aims to vigorously advance national policies in all the sectors in which it is active, while keeping a non-confessional and apolitical stance

AUB Neighborhood Initiative

AUB Neighborhood Initiative

The Neighborhood Initiative mobilizes the full power of AUB (intellectual, human, corporate) for the public good in Ras Beirut, promoting the neighborhood’s livability, vitality, and diversity through innovative outreach activities and multidisciplinary research. The Neighborhood Initiative’s work is based on three values: responsiveness, public participation, and promotion of critical citizenship.



CARE was founded in 1945, when 22 American organizations came together to rush lifesaving CARE Packages to survivors of World War II. Thousands of Americans, including President Harry S. Truman, contributed to the effort. On May 11, 1946, the first 15,000 packages reached the battered port of Le Havre, France.

Catalytic Action

Catalytic Action

We are a charity and design studio that works to empower communities through strategic and innovative spatial interventions. Our story began in 2014, when we supported refugee children in Lebanon through the provision of safer and stimulating educational spaces. Today, we are still working with the most vulnerable communities around the MEA region and Europe to improve and shape together the quality of their built environment. We focus on our process rather than just the final product. To enhance community resilience, we adopt three interconnected phases throughout the development of each project. Our work aims at alleviating poverty and inequalities, catalyzing positive change.

Chellaram Foundation

Chellaram Foundation

Concern Worldwide

Concern Worldwide



Development for People and Nature Association is a Lebanese non-governmental, non-profit secular organization founded in 2003. We believe in bringing positive change to our community.

Endless Hope

Endless Hope

Fondation Des Cedres

Fondation Des Cedres

The Fondation des Cèdres was created in 2014 in Geneva (Switzerland). Its founder is the Association Protestante Française de Beyrouth (APFB) created in 1925 in Paris (France) to take over the religious property of German Protestant missions established in Lebanon by Johanniter Orden from 1859. Since its creation, the APFB has supported the French Protestant Church of Beirut, today the only French-speaking Reformed community in the Arab Middle East. In 2014, the APFB, which extended its initial cultic goal to the cultural, social and educational fields, decided to develop a property it owns in Beirut in order to ensure the sustainability of the Church, while supporting initiatives of general interest for the benefit of Lebanese society.



Iftar in a box

Iftar in a box

Impact Lebanon

Impact Lebanon

Impact Lebanon is a non-profit organisation that brings the community together to pursue initiatives that deliver impact for Lebanon. Our process is to encourage the brainstorming of ideas; promote the sharing of knowledge, resources and expertise; and build strong teams to turn an idea into a successful initiative.



In order to benefit from the experiences of businessmen around the world especially those who constitute active economic groups contributing to the development of their countries and communities, a group of Lebanese businessmen visited various institutions affiliated with the International Businessmen Federations to familiarize themselves with their achievements on all levels, especially the educational, medical, economic, and social ones.

The study of these various experiences encouraged the businessmen in Lebanon to work on creating their own model names:  the Federation of Businessmen for Support and Development - IRADA. The official launching and registration was on 16 July 2013, with a notice of recognition # 1282.

Irshad & Islah

Irshad & Islah

Irshad  & Islah is an NGO for guidance and reform of the individual and society in the service of Islam, by investing energies in specialized civilized institutional work, in the fields of advocacy, educational, charitable, and social, hand in hand with those working for the renaissance of people.

Itihad Islami

Itihad Islami

For more than two decades, Itihad Islami has been making its mark in advocacy work, from North to South Lebanon, through the activities provided by the various departments and its centers spread in Beirut, Tripoli, Saida, the Bekaa and Akkar.

Kuwait America Foundation

Kuwait America Foundation

The Kuwait-America Foundation (KAF) is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization founded in 1991. Its core mission, inspired by Kuwait’s liberation by Allied Coalition forces in the Gulf War, is to express gratitude for American sacrifice during the Gulf War, and to strengthen ties between the peoples of the United States and Kuwait.

La Guilde

La Guilde

Lebanese Food Bank

Lebanese Food Bank

The main focus of LFB is to feed those in need in Lebanon, without discrimination on the basis of religion, political affiliation, geographic location, sexual orientation, race, or nationality, as well as raising awareness about food waste and ways of better managing food resources. LFB is a member of the Food Banking Regional Network in Dubai; which is part of the Global Food Banking Network and are audited by Deloitte Touche since 2016.

Lebanese Red Cross

Lebanese Red Cross

The Lebanese Red Cross (LRC) is a national society that was established on July 9, 1945 as an independent National Society. In 1946, it was recognized by the State as a public nonprofit organization and as an auxiliary team to the medical personnel of the Lebanese Army.

Lebanon Humanitarian Fund – UNOCHA

Lebanon Humanitarian Fund – UNOCHA

Lebanon Needs

Lebanon Needs

Lebanon Needs has helped over 600 patients receive medical consultations, provided more than 1,600 patients with medications, followed up with 1,600 patients monthly, and provided two patients with leg prostheses.



LebNet is a North America based non-profit organization launched in 1999 in Silicon Valley, California. This Diaspora network was started by a handful of like-minded professionals sharing a country of origin and seeking to professionally leverage that affinity. These interactions were held over dinner meetings in a loosely held organizational fashion and little by little, that group grew in numbers until such time when more structure was necessary, and in August 2010 LebNet was registered in the US as a 501c3 non-profit organization focusing on education and mentoring (all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law). Today it includes around 1,200 members and continues to be anchored in networking among members and volunteer work in support of young professionals and Lebanese Entrepreneurs .

LebNet is open to all Lebanese professionals in a broad technology eco-system, residing in the US or Canada, and currently includes people from Fortune 500, Venture Capital, Start-ups, Entrepreneurs, & Academia.

LebNet is solely focused on professional matters and related social issues.

LebNet does NOT promote or allow any discussions around politics, religion, or ethnicity.

Li Beirut

Li Beirut

Li Beirut is a charitable initiative started by Vitas Lebanon in partnership with Global Communities along with Saradar Foundation and other local non-governmental organizations to provide support to the victims of the August 2020 explosion. Vitas Lebanon is a longstanding provider of microfinance services to under-privileged and vulnerable segments of the Lebanese population, committed to a mission of social and developmental outcomes.

Life Lebanon

Life Lebanon

LIFE is a worldwide membership organisation, non-political and non-religious, of Lebanese professionals based in the diaspora, funded by membership fees as well as individual and corporate donors.

LIFE was founded in 2009 with the aim of providing a platform to channel the influence of Lebanese executives active in fields related to Finance worldwide and has expanded beyond Finance in 2020 to include professionals in the sectors of Consultancy, Law and Technology.

Lutheran World Relief

Lutheran World Relief



Mada is a non-partisan, non-sectarian Lebanese NGO which aims to reinforce the relationship between local communities and their natural environment for the satisfaction of their substantial needs.
Mada was established in Lebanon in 2000 and registered under decree #4336-AD 242 from MoI on Oct. 2000.
VisionMada strives for the emergence of balanced communities that are appreciative of diversity, open to the world, and respectful of human rights and social justice; communities that base their development on a long-term vision of public interest and on models that emphasize a harmonious relationship between human beings and their environment. Members of these communities would be committed, accountable, and creative citizens, able to realize their initiatives and unite their energies within effective partnerships.
MissionMada works with different groups in various developmental and environmental projects in Lebanon to facilitate dynamics of change, through endogenous and inclusive efforts as well as policies and regulations appropriate to local realities. Mada achieves this mission by:

supporting marginalized persons or groups and providing a space for initiatives carried out by actors who have the potential for change, and
contributing to the establishment of relationships or effective partnerships between local actors and other stakeholders.

Through its activities, Mada tries to ensure long-term mobilization and to inspire new practices of leadership while contributing to the emergence of a culture of collective action and responsibility.
Read More at: https://www.daleel-madani.org/civil-society-directory/mada-association Copyrights © 2019 Lebanon Support. All rights reserved.



Medair is an international humanitarian organization inspired by Christian faith to relieve human suffering in some of the world’s most remote and devastated places.

Since 1989, we’ve been helping people in crisis – regardless of race, creed or nationality – to survive and recover with dignity.

Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps

Min Beib La Beib

Min Beib La Beib

Min Beib La Beib is a project run by a group of women who started this initiative alongside the Lebanese revolution-Thawra. Their goal is to bring donations (furniture, clothes, food) from your door to the door of underprivileged people in Lebanon.

Offre Joie

Offre Joie

Offrejoie is an apolitical and non-confessional Lebanese NGO founded in 1985.

It brings together volunteers from all faiths and all Lebanon, as well as friends of Lebanon around the world, who advocate and act for a plural Lebanon, free and fair. Since 2012, it is also located in Iraq and there is the same desire to promote unity and solidarity across social and religious barriers.



Palestine Association for Children’s Encouragement of Sports (PACES), is a UK based charity established in 2006, with the aim of providing healthy, structured after- school sports programs for Palestinian girls and boys ages 8-16 years Living in refugee camps and most marginalized and vulnerable areas in Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon.



RDCL is an Association of Lebanese Businessmen and Women united by a common vision of the Lebanese Economy.

All along the years, RDCL has proved its institutional role, imposing itself in the public life and economic instances as a credible party, necessary to the balance of the socio-economic activity.

Highly reputed of “Think tank” among Lebanese business places, RDCL stresses a systematic policy of lobbying to ensure the proper implementation of its ideas.

An important number of RDCL members have been elected Board Members of the Beirut Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, of the Lebanese Industrialists Association, the National Social Security Fund, the Beirut Stock Exchange, the Bankers Association, the Insurance Companies Association in Lebanon, and of a number of other professional Associations.

Gatherer by its mission, promoter of a global political economy, coherent and essentially based on the inducement to achieve a balanced distribution of the national wealth, RDCL contributes in orienting, and inspiring the public sector action, by taking clear positions in press releases, publications, public debates, conferences and seminars, to be used in different macro-economic fields.

Red Oak

Red Oak

Red Oak promotes innovative approaches to existing social, educational and cultural structures through education, art, art therapy and mental health, for the protection of children, and the empowerment of women and girls, with a special attention for people with disabilities. It uses empowerment to foster and implement new ideas by promoting creative processes, thoughts and tools.

Red Oak initiated “Red Oak Performing Troupe”, which is committed to theater, dance and performance practices as an instrument of social change.

Red Oak Association adheres to the principles of sustainable development. The red oak is the fastest growing variety of oak. It has massive growth and impressive expanse, and symbolizes strength and endurance.

Sanabel Nour

Sanabel Nour

Sanabel Al Nour is a group of Lebanese women working in a span of domains: medicine, engineering, business, education.

Save the Children

Save the Children

We are a global membership organization, made up of Save the Children International and 29 national members. We share one name, one strategy and one ambition for all children to survive, learn and be protected. Around the world, too many children start life at a disadvantage simply because of who they are and where they come from. Millions of children are dying from preventable causes, face poverty, violence, disease and hunger. They are caught up in war zones and disasters they did nothing to create. And they are denied an education and other basic rights owed to them. All children deserve better. We champion the rights and interests of children worldwide, putting the most vulnerable children first. With 25,000 dedicated staff across 117 countries, we respond to major emergencies, deliver innovative development programmes, and ensure children's voices are heard through our campaigning to build a better future for and with children.



SEAL is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-political organization founded in 1997 in New York City in order to take action against the severe social and economic problems facing post-war Lebanon. We focus on community-driven economic development by providing grants and business support directly to local groups to help them jump-start or expand an economic venture.

Sounaa El Hayat

Sounaa El Hayat

Snounaa El Hayat is a development project that does not belong to any religious, party or political institution and it seeks to activate the youth role in all aspects of life.

St. Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent de Paul

Founded in 1833 by a group of young laymen, the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a lay Catholic organization of women and men, who wished to put their faith into action. From the start, the Society has been under the patronage of Saint Vincent de Paul, a great saint, well-known for his works of charity.

Step Together

Step Together

Step Together Association is located by the riverside of Mansourieh Al Daishounieh, a mere 15 minutes’ drive from downtown Beirut, a venue that lies amidst a peaceful environmentally protected area, surrounded by trees, mountains and water. It is in this serenity setting that we choose to cater for our students, up to 200 individuals of different needs of all ages.





World Central Kitchen

World Central Kitchen



Xpatria is a Swiss non-profit association focused on efficiently channeling diaspora funding to home-based initiatives, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

We connect donors and verified receivers easily, transparently, and securely.

Xpatria aims at stimulating and supporting the Diaspora populations’ willingness and ability to contribute to the social and economic well-being of their home countries. It is committed to advancing a culture of diaspora philanthropy by scaling up the impact of diaspora giving from the household to the country level and enabling the diaspora communities to have a broader and more sustainable Social impact. 



Zamanouna is a non-profit charity association, founded in 1997,receipt of knowledgement NO. 44/AD which aims to concretely help marginalized groups through various cultural, social and health projects.

Zamanouna hopes to raise substantial funds, which will help the association bring assistance to a larger number of people in need, from orphans to the elderly.

Ways To Contribute

By partnering with Nusaned you can create opportunities to involve yourself or your team more deeply in your communities.