The Nusaned Pledge

Who Is Nusaned

Nusaned is a humanitarian, community-based and volunteer organization.  We believe that the power to create change comes from working collaboratively.

Nusaned does not engage in any political activity, and remains at equal distance from all religions.  We support communities based on a non-biased, egalitarian and value-based needs assessment process.

How it all started

As the Lebanese economy struggled, businesses shuttered, unemployment rates reached unprecedented levels, and poverty numbers spiked, the management team at Sirajart unanimously agreed to divert the company’s commitment and energy towards charitable social work. Their move was envisioned as an integral part of their corporate social responsibility.

This shift proved to be the catalyst to create Nusaned in December 2019, just two months after the October 17th Uprising in Lebanon.

Nusaned began by reaching out to local stakeholders in North Lebanon, seeking to address agricultural deficiencies of marginalized rural communities. The poverty, deprivation, and substandard living conditions of local residents prompted our team to respond quickly by providing much-needed food parcels, hygiene kits and clothing, while also initiating the rehabilitation of homes.

Through those spontaneous actions came the building blocks of Nusaned’s agriculture and housing projects, which gradually evolved from an aid model into a platform to foster self-sufficiency and economic sustainability for these communities.

Our Vision

Our vision is to empower the marginalized Lebanese communities,
throughout Lebanon, to live sustainably.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support under-served Lebanese communities to become self-sustaining by offering access to food security, building shelter and providing ongoing opportunities for productive economies. We do this through innovative and effective partnerships with communities as well as locally engaged, international organizations and donors.

Our Core Values

Collaborative Approach
By valuing the knowledge of others, building trust-based relationships with stakeholders and…

By valuing the knowledge of others, building trust-based relationships with stakeholders and taking a community-participatory approach, we are able to pool resources and experiences to reinforce the unity of purpose and create more impactful solutions.

  • Partners include local NGOs, INGOs, UN agencies, governmental institutions

  • Referrals Officer on board

  • Nusaned is sitting on the independent oversight board (IOB) of the 3RF

  • Nusaned was elected as a member of three Core Groups in three UN sectors in 2023: Basic Assistance, Livelihoods, and Social Stability. 

  • Nusaned is on the steering committee of LHDF (the Lebanese Humanitarian and Development Forum) including 90 local NGOs,

  • Nusaned is on the advisory board of the LHF (Lebanon Humanitarian Pooled Fund), representing women-led local NGOs.  

  • Nusaned board members are also members of private sector networks, which facilitates contact and job placement in private sector companies.

Corporate Governance, Transparency, & Accountability
We ensure complete transparency, efficiency, and accountability in dealing with our donors,…

We ensure complete transparency, efficiency, and accountability in dealing with our donors, partners, and the people we humbly serve, through the steps we take in conducting our projects and by maintaining constant and clear communication with all stakeholders

  • Received ISO 9001 for adopting a quality management system

  • Our board members are IFC certified for corporate governance

  • Complaints and Helpline Officers on board

  • Annual Reports 2020, 2021 and 2022 are available on the website

  • Audit reports 2020, 2021 and 2022 are available on the website

  • Nusaned Mobile Application shows in detail all activities as well as pictures and videos

Diversity, Inclusiveness and Unbiased Approach
No gender biasPolicies on protection from sexual abuse very well developedPSEA Officer on…

  • No gender bias

  • Policies on protection from sexual abuse very well developed

  • PSEA Officer on board

Compassion and Integrity
We abide by our fundamental values in every aspect of our endeavors, and we live by showing…

We abide by our fundamental values in every aspect of our endeavors, and we live by showing honesty, courage, and transparency in our promise and our actions.

Nusaned believes that circularity is critical to achieving the NGO's vision and mission in…

Nusaned believes that circularity is critical to achieving the NGO's vision and mission in a more effective, responsible, and sustainable manner. By adopting circular principles, Nusaned can reduce waste generation, optimize the use of resources, and build more resilient and equitable closed-loop systems. Furthermore, circularity helps Nusaned to increase its operational efficiency, social and environmental performance and impact, and stakeholder engagement while creating new revenue streams and cost savings.

Nusaned believes that sustainability empowers people to build their communities, that’s why…

Nusaned believes that sustainability empowers people to build their communities, that’s why all its programs are accessible, affordable and replicable across different areas and various communities, durable in their effects, responsive to the needs of the community, and in harmony with local cultures and the environment.  Nusaned aims to support the development of sustainable communities through multi-tier, integrated interventions based on the three pillars of sustainable development.

Our Focus

By working with our communities, local partner network and international NGOs, we aim to support the development of sustainable communities through multi-tier, integrated interventions based on the three pillars of sustainable development.

Let’s Work Economically
Working with communities to identify opportunities that create living incomes and ensure gender balance within them.

We provide solutions to local challenges that are designed to build inclusive, resilient economies.We conduct training programs and explore job opportunities to help redress the imbalance and inequitable participation in the labor force to achieve sustainable and resilient livelihoods.

Creating employment opportunities in the agricultural and construction sectors.

We revive and diversify farming for food security and economic gain through local and global networks and set up interdisciplinary local teams for the rehabilitation and management of the built environment.

Supporting micro-enterprises.

We establish new or reactivate existing micro-enterprises through financial support, providing equipment and training to expand commercial opportunity, and extending housing rehabilitation to include adjacent commercial spaces, when applicable.

Instilling culture of sweat equity.

We encourage the beneficiaries to contribute to each project through sweat equity, offering ownership, control and pride through the personal investment of time and labor. This in turn creates a non-aid culture, breeding a sense of self-initiative which transfers to other parts of their lives.

Let’s Work Socially
Cultivating a community participatory approach.
We map and prioritize needs based on a detailed and value-based assessment process combined with sharing decision making and implementing design interventions.
Rehabilitating and building houses.

We focus on providing the basic human right for shelter that transforms houses into safe, healthy and nurturing homes.

Rehabilitating and building community spaces.

We promote communal living and a healthy neighborhood environment for all, especially those related to youth and children, to create shared indoor and outdoor community spaces.

Investing in worker development.

We help increase local capacity and improve economic opportunity by training workers in various sectors - mainly building construction, agriculture and trade - as well as building capacity of on-site teams on work culture, worker health and safety concerns.

Let’s Work Environmentally
Promoting sustainable agriculture to achieve food security.

We revive and increase the productive yield of underdeveloped rural lands, and explore the full potential of urban agriculture by introducing new technologies.

Engaging the community in waste management initiatives.

We increase education, raise awareness and support communities to manage waste.

Creating green domestic and shared spaces.

We support greener environments for our communities by planting fruit trees in private spaces and community gardens, greening public and open community spaces, and reviving agricultural fields and fruit orchards.

Increasing access to green and affordable energy.

We aim to increase access to affordable energy by transforming agricultural byproducts and residues to energy for heating, and introducing solar energy for lighting of public and private spaces.

Reducing the ecological footprint of construction projects.

We support national building material industries and suppliers, when applicable, and aim to construct energy efficient buildings in addition to investing in a circular economy from project concept to end -of-life by prolonging use of building materials and buildings.