The horrific August 4th port explosion not only resulted in
damaging people’s homes but destroying business owner’s livelihoods. As such and
as part of our “Roofs That Shield
Beirut” program; in partnership with the
Syndicate of Owners of Restaurants, Cafés, Night-Clubs and Pastries in Lebanon,
Hospitality Services and Apave, Nusaned set out to support damaged restaurants
in the Mar Mikhael and Gemayzeh areas.
The ailing restaurant sector was in desperate need of support and
endured great losses in the aforementioned areas. Our aim was to instill hope
back into the heart of these SME’s and get these businesses back on their feet.
As a result of the “Roofs That Shield Beirut” team’s hard work and
thanks to Pepsi’s support we were able to rehabilitate 21 damaged restaurants.
Through our collaboration with these like-minded organizations we were
we able transform destruction into new beginnings and positively impact these
local pillars of the community.